Michele D Wilson

Michele started her painting journey August 2022.  While surfing the internet for wall art, Michele saw an art piece she wanted but felt like it was out of her budget.  At that time, she knew very little about Fine Art but the thought of creating her own art, inspired her to begin the process of doing so.  So, she purchased supplies that she thought was needed to create her own wall art.
After purchasing the supplies, Michele found herself intimidated and afraid and it was 3 weeks after purchasing art supplies that she finally prayed and asked God to remove the fear.  God did remove the fear and Michele begin to create art; in abundance.  It wasn’t long before her art was on just about every wall in her house. So, she stopped painting for about 2 months.
For her family Thanksgiving holiday Michele invited a family friend to join her for the celebration. What an encouragement was had by Michele when the friend asked to purchase one or her paintings that was displayed in her home.  This is how LYFE paintings was birthed.
Michele’s passion for God’s Kingdom agenda to be accomplished here on earth through her art, shows in every piece.  My goal is to exhibit the creativity, love and will of our Creator God, Jehovah, in my art.  God blessed me with this gift, and I have dedicated my gift of art back to him.  Revelations 4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.  Everything we are and have, belong to God.   May God be Glorified in ALL Things!

Michele D Wilson's Artwork

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